South Africa
This country has a lot of special features including the country having 3 capital cities. Which are Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein. They even have 12 official languages.
South Africa has many cultural foods which all sound delicious. Like Sadza, Chakalaka, Potjiekos and best of all Boerewors a really long coiled up sausage. In this amazing country South Africans can even cook in the wild.
They have attended over 20 Olympics. This year 126 South Africans will participate in the Rio 2016 Olympics. When over 20 South Africans will be playing football. South Africa will be involved in badminton, canoe sprint cycling, diving, equestrian, golf, gymnastics and much more.
There are 4 main religions in South Africa. They are Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. The whole of South Africa is made up of different religions and sometimes one religion is more common in a certain area. Like when Protestant is 36.6%, Zionist Christian is 11.1%, Pentecostal Charismatic is 8.2%, Methodist is 6.8%, Dutch Reformed is 6.7%, Anglican is 3.8%, Catholic is 7.1%, other types of Christian is 36%, other is 2.3% and none is 15.1%.
There are a lot of big names in South Africa like Nelson Mandela who was a freedom fighter and other celebrities in sport like AB de Villiers, a major cricketer who is paid 3.5 million dollars for playing cricket
South Africa is a wonderful country with many aspects to it, some of which I have talked about. Hope this means you can learn more about South Africa and see how much more fascinating it is.