
Friday 28 November 2014

Birthday traditions in Spain and America
  • Americans do arts and craft at birthday parties
  • They eat food like burgers, popcorn and fries
  • They drink beverages like soda, pop and lemonade
  • At parties in America they play party games like pin the tail on the donkey and pass the parsall like us kiwis do
  • They give party bags with lollies and toys in them
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  • Spanish people visit the carnival, Spanish people love the outdoors and occasions to celebrate
  • They love to eat at a restaurant
  • play at a park
  • Get a pinata and food to the park
  • and the whole family having fun

Tuesday 25 November 2014


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  1. A kingfisher is a small size bird that spends half of its time in water.
  2. The smallest species of kingfishers are the dwarf kingfisher.
  3. The main predators of kingfishers are foxes,raccoons, cats and snakes.
  4. Kingfishers nest in trees hollows and holes dug in the ground.
  5. Kingfishers are most famous for eating fish.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Tea bag rockets video

Tea Bag Rockets

Expt 1: tea bag rocket
Aim: to find out if all the tea bags will fly like a rocket
  • Tea bags
  • lighter
  • scissors
  • bowl
Method: empty the tea bags and shape them upright
* light the top with a lighter
* observe what happens
Hypothesis: all the tea bags will fly
Our Observation:
it flew
it flew
it flew
it flew
it flew and touched the roof
it flew
it flew
touched the roof
it flew
it flew
ash turns into powder
did not fly
it flew
the bag was not proper

Not all of the teabags flew because one did not have a proper bag. The materials of other bags easily burn out and so it had no time to fly.
The teabags flew because of the hot air inside the bag is lighter than the outside that pushed the bag to lift up.


(class result) not all the tea bags flew

Plight of the sea turtles
Plight of the sea turtles is about how we need to take care of sea turtle because people in the Pacific are taking them for the black markets to sell as meat and oranments. This is illegal and unlawful. Some people litter and dump their plastic bags in the water and this kills the turtles by strangling them.

Is there any solution to the plight of the sea turtle?
People should follow the rules because since
the sea turtles started to die they became endangered  and very rare. People should stop dumping their trash in the sea. They should stop selling them at the black market. Discourage people to dropping plastics into the sea.


  • Sea turtles only live in the pacific oceans because there is a warm temperature
  • The leather back turtle is the largest types of sea turtle
  • Sea turtles can dive more than 1,000 feet in order to get foodScreenshot 2014-11-19 at 8.40.19 AM.png
  • There are six types of sea turtles.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was an Italian salesman that was going to travel to India but he sailed west and found America. His discovery of America was an accident. He thought he was in India. For seven years Christopher Columbus traveled around Europe looking for someone who would finance his journey. After a few years Christopher Columbus had reached his destination, Spain. Christopher's biggest accomplishment was that he discovered America. In August of 1492, they granted Christopher Columbus the supplies, men and ships that he needed to carry out his journey. Columbus was given three sailing ships. These ships were named the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. May 20, 1506 was the year that Christopher had died.  

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Screenshot 2014-11-20 at 7.36.55 AM.pngBY Joshua John                                                                                                                                                              

Monday 10 November 2014

Mary MaKillop Centre

On a Friday we went to Mary MaKillop Center because it was C.T.K’s Diamond Jubilee. Our school was founded 60 years ago.  Could you imagine how long that was?  I was not born then. I felt that our school was old, it was founded in 1954 by the Josephite sisters.  Boy! I am excited to see them. In the Chapel before the mass the first teacher who taught in 1954, her name was Sr. Elizabeth, talked to the whole school.  I am so proud of her that she is still alive.

After the mass, the sisters took us to their Hall of Fame.  Wow, I am amazed of the story and history I’ve learned about the Josephite’s sisters. Did you know, St Mary Mackillop once lived in this place when she was in Auckland?

We had a long talk and discussion with the sisters in their big lounge room. They told us their stories of their life of teaching about 40-50 years ago. When we finished with the sisters, we were directed to go out.

As we sat and ate lunch I could feel the calmness of the water. It is peace and quiet but you can feel the sea moving. The tide is low.  The water has not come to the shore yet, it is the time of day that tide is low.  The Rangitoto island was not far away from where I stood. The cool breeze was gently wafting on my face, it felt wet. I really loved the time when the Josephite sisters threw yummy lollies into the air so we can try an get them.

Very nice memories all the time time I have spent in C.T.K

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Wednesday 5 November 2014

My haiku poem
Je-sus we love you
every morning and night
Je-sus crucified